Rep. Banks Celebrates Commitment to Hypersonics Research in NDAA Conference Report

(WASHINGTON) – The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report was filed with the Rules Committee tonight. Rep. Banks submitted and fought for language to…

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Bedford Redevelopment Commission Meeting For Today Canceled

(BEDFORD) – The Bedford City Redevelopment Commission Meeting scheduled for today at 4 p.m. has been canceled. The meeting was canceled due to no city…

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Bloomington Common Council – Agendas, Notice, and Packets – For Meetings on December 10, 11, 12

(BLOOMINGTON) – The Bloomington Common Council will meet on Tuesday and Thursday on UDO-related topics. A Special Session & Committee of the Whole meetings will meet…

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Indiana Lawmakers Looking at State’s High Health Care Costs

(INDIANAPOLIS) — Republican legislative leaders are considering steps addressing high health care costs in Indiana during the General Assembly’s 2020 session, an issue one top…

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House Republicans Talk about Discussing Transition of Todd Huston Becoming Next House Speaker

(INDIANAPOLIS) – House Republicans unanimously selected State Rep. Todd Huston (R-Fishers) to serve as the next House Speaker. This comes after House Speaker Brian C….

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The City of Bloomington Invites Residents to Apply to Serve on Boards and Commissions

(BLOOMINGTON) – The City of Bloomington’s Office of the City Clerk and the Office of the Mayor is accepting applications from community members who would…

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Rep. Banks Announces Release of Reagan Task Force Report on Strengthening America’s National Security Innovation Base

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – This week, the Reagan Institute’s Reagan Task Force released a report outlining its recommendations to strengthen America’s National Security Innovation Base (NSIB)….

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Planning And Zoning Boards Approve Bedford’s Comprehensive Plan

(BEDFORD) – The Bedford Plan Commission and Zoning Board members met at the Stonegate Education and Arts Center Tuesday evening to approve the City’s Comprehensive…

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Upcoming City of Bedford Board Meetings

 (BEDFORD) – Below are the upcoming December board meetings for the City of Bedford: The Bedford City Common Council will meet on Monday, December 10th…

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Bedford Planning and Zoning Commission Schedules A Special Meeting

(BEDFORD) – The Bedford Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, at 4 p.m. at Stonegate Arts & Education Center. During…

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